Upcoming events
2022 IGRI Virtual Conference
Advancing the study of institutional dynamics
June 20-22, 2022
Online conference: 10:00 am – 2:00 pm EDT (US/Canada) (8:00 am – 12:00 pm MDT)
***NEW*** Graduate student workshop (in-person at University of Colorado, Denver): 1:00 – 4:00 pm MDT) (3-5 pm EDT)
Past workshops/conferences
2021 Inaugural IGRI Conference (virtual)
Online, June 21-23, 2021
The IGRI’s inaugural conference which brought together scholars and practitioners doing research that engages the IG. The conference hosted research presentations that reported on any methodological, theoretical, and/or empirical/case-specific applications of the IG.
Institutional Grammar Workshop (virtual)
University of Warsaw, June 8-12, 2020
This virtual workshop convened scholars from Europe and the United States to discuss their IG driven research on the topics of machine learning, governing common pool resources, political economy, social policy, institutional modeling, and network analysis. The workshop was supported by the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies at the University of Warsaw (Organizer: Bartosz Pieliński). The workshop program and recordings are available at this link.
Grammar Analytics Workshop: Toward Automated Coding
Syracuse University, August 2-3, 2019
This workshop brought together scholars from the United States and Europe interested in the development and application of computational text analysis and machine learning approaches toward the study of formal institutions, such as laws and regulations. The workshop was supported by the Syracuse University Collaboration for Unprecedented Success and Excellence (CUSE) grant program (Principal investigator: Saba Siddiki).

Grammar Analytics Workshop: Exploring New Directions in Institutional Analysis
Syracuse University, October 19-20, 2018
This workshop convened participants from nine academic institutions across five countries to discuss theoretical and methodological development of the Institutional Grammar. Workshop participants represented multiple disciplines, including political science, computer science, and public affairs. The workshop was supported by the Syracuse University Collaboration for Unprecedented Success and Excellence (CUSE) grant program (Principal investigator: Saba Siddiki).